Fashioned Beautifully

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Boomerang Advice

There’s something about fall, responsibilities slows down and I begin to reevaluate. What am I doing and what SHOULD I be doing with my life? What am I putting on hold or giving up for something else? I begin to question everything- my job, where I live, my life goals and dreams, my friendships, and the amount of Jesus in my life.

Reevaluation also seems to come at a time when my relationship with God is drifting. Maybe it’s God’s way of helping me to reset. In giving someone else encouragement, I was reminded how much I need God. Yet so often I revert back to doing life on my own, in my own strength. I start wandering, seeking fulfillment in other things, when all along He is patiently waiting, calling me back to himself. Then after I exhaust my other options, I come running back to Him. Why, in the world do I wait so long? It’s time to take my own advice – as weird as that sounds. 😊