Say Yes

Some people are prone to act first and think later. I, on the other hand, tend to think, think, ponder, think and act...hmm, maybe later. I had a list of questions I would walk thru before possibly taking a step. "Why do I feel compelled to do this? Is this a God prompting? Or is this just a hair-brained idea of mine? What is the other person going to think? How might they respond? What do I say?" .... and the list goes on.  

Of course there are certainly times when asking more questions or waiting is wise.  But recently, I was challenged to just say yes. Ask one question: Is there any reason God would say no to this? IF the answer is no - jump in before the window closes. 

How that plays out...

I was stopped at a light on my way home from work. There was an empty lawn bag on the ground next to me which I had swerved to avoid. So begins the internal dialogue. "I should pick that up." "Why? It's not mine." "I wonder how many people will pass that." "It's not like the owner is coming back for it." "Who picks up the trash off the streets?" "I wonder how contaminated that thing is?" "It's just a bag! Pick it up!" I opened the car door, leaned out, and grabbed it. (Thanks to Young Life, I feel the need to trash-walk the world.)

I was going through the Arby's drive-thru for a late lunch. (Still trying to convince my co-workers 2.30pm is a perfectly normal lunch time.) "I should pay for the guy behind me." "What if he thinks I'm hitting on him? No." "What if he is taking food back for people and his order is really expensive?" "What if he thinks I'm weird?" "What if he follows me?" (Did I mention, I'm an over thinker?) "Just pay for it!" Turns out it was only $8 or $9, and nothing weird happened. (One time the cashier didn't let me pay for someone else...that was a weird interaction...but that's a different story.)

I was waiting in line on an exit ramp, not going to make the next light. I could see the lady holding her sign on the corner. "I should give her a $10" "But I owe somebody that $10." "I have a $20 too." "Deal! and I have a church invite." Interesting how often God asks me to spend money. But I'm told if you look at your bank account it shows where your heart is. 

I know these are simple examples, but I think even those to death. With the Holy Spirit's help, I'm striving to be a girl of action - to say "Yes" to that little voice. Oh to be faithful in the little things Luke 16.10, Luke 19:17 so that I am attuned to and practiced up for when He asks the big things. 

Call It


By God's grace I jumped off a sin-train today.

You know those moments, days, or seasons when you find yourself once again headed down old paths. You find that once again, you are on that train and you know its destination. Sometimes we can recognize it as soon as we're in line to buy the ticket, so we buckle that belt of truth a little tighter and walk away. Sometimes it feels like we are oblivious (or in denial) until the train has reached full speed, but God's amazing grace will still pull us back when we call out to Him. 

Today, I found myself being tempted by an age-old line. But thanks to a Holy Spirit nudge, I recognized the tempter's ways. 

But let's be real, it was still really hard. Repeatedly, silently, I let the word "sin" scroll through my brain. Followed shortly thereafter by, "It's sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it." Over and over I let those words sink deeper and deeper until I had cleared the temptation. I've struggled with sin all my life and this one is NOT new. But it wasn't until I called it what it was - SIN, no fancy, deceptive, sugar-twisted temporary happy, but SIN ...that I was set free from the temptation.

Prob 28.13 He who conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and FORSAKES them will find compassion.

Prepared in Advance


For the last several months I've worked in sales. Standard production turnaround time varies from 2 - 5ish weeks. In our fast-paced world, I've noticed that frequently people end up leaving things to the last minute. Rush fees and expedited shipping are required to meet the very important event date. But then, once in a blue moon, an order will come across my desk...and I can feel the weight fall off my shoulders as I breathe a sigh relief. This client has planned ahead. They are placing an order for an event that's two, maybe three months down the road. They are preparing in advance. These clients are a little blessing in the swirls of life. Reminds me of… and causes me to wonder, how much easier life would be if we were walking in what God had planned in advance for us to do...