Trust Me. Chapter 28

Somedays, for some crazy reason, I choose stress. Or rather, I don’t choose to let things roll off…however that works. Yesterday, was one of those days. 

Sitting in a coffee shop, I found myself giving into stress, again. A situation needed my attention and I had no idea what to do. I am a rule follower – this had rules, but they were unclear. This also had a deadline – which was quickly approaching. I could hardly think straight. The pro–con list rapidly forming in my brain was turning into a con-con list. I was about to settle on my best BAD idea when I decided to use a lifeline. I needed help and a new perspective. After two reassuring phone calls, I was able to come back to reality – the world was not falling apart. (At least not over this issue.)

So I took a deep breath and started working on the next right thing -something I knew needed to be done where I knew the rules. Feeling better but still uncertain, I spent some time praying, typing up scriptures and hymn lyrics, whatever came to mind. It was in those few moments that God graciously said, “I’ve got this, just trust Me.” He calmed my heart as I fixed my eyes on Him. My phone began to ring again. Over the next five minutes God used a sweet friend to tangibly pour out His love and faithfulness all over me. He took my seemly unmet expectations and surpassed them. He took my insecurity and wiped it away.

So with a fresh perspective, I’m trying to do today differently. Praying and doing the next right thing, - waiting with open eyes and expectant heart to see what He has in store. “Wait on Me – I’ve already got something in the works, and it will blow your mind.” 

Thank You

🎵 For all that You've done, I will thank You
For all the You're going to do
For all that You've promised
And all that You are
Is all that has carried me through
Jesus, I thank You 🎶

Oh, may that be true of me!! I was convicted recently when my cousin returned home from a mission trip. We had gathered to pray over her trip before she left. When she came home, it was so sweet to see pictures and hear the stories of all that God had done. We ended the evening laughing, hanging out, and playing games as a family. Later that evening/next day I realized, while we had ooh-ed and aah-ed at all the Lord did - we didn’t thank Him.  

Only days before, I had received an answer to prayer over a topic that had been weighing on me for a long time. I was thrilled! I wanted to tell everyone and proclaim His goodness to friends, family, and anyone who would listen. God was faithful. He showed up. He blessed me and answered my prayer way beyond what I had ever expected. 

But did I go back and say, “Thank you??”

I want to be like the guy who was healed and came back to say thank you. (Luke 17.11-19) I want to be thankful for what God is GOING to do, but hasn’t yet. I want a heart bent towards thankfulness, not one just focused on things that need fixing. 

Thank you Lord for your faithfulness and consistent involvement in my life – Jesus, I thank You.  

What's the Why

Recently, I’ve been processing a significant decision. As such, the little adult in me is getting a serious workout! Researching, meeting with several advisors, and finally consulting with an attorney have all been steps in this journey. But the more information I glean the more I’m learning or being reminded the importance of the WHY! 

Information by itself is just that – information. Without all the pieces or too many related pieces, information can become confusing. Information with an application can lead to action and a job completed. But the passion, discernment, power, and wisdom come from information with a WHY. The why is what distinguishes leaders from minions, owners from consumers, and inventors from shoppers. The why is what motivates us to keep going when the circumstances say to give up. 

As I’ve been reading contracts and fine print, attending sessions and consults, and discussing experiences and methods – it’s so easy to become swept up in the details. But what I’m realizing is that everything exemplified, stems from a why. I’m only seeing people’s EXPRESSION or reaction to the driving, underlying why. 

I’m going to borrow a simple story from my uncle for this. 

A mother went to her daughter’s house for Thanksgiving dinner. While in the kitchen preparing the meal, the daughter set the turkey in the sink and covered it with a large colander. The same trick she had seen her mother do all growing up. Looking up from chopping the mother asked, “Why did you do that?” “Because you always did,” replied the daughter without hesitation. The mother chuckled, “Yes, but that’s because we had a cat.”

I don’t know about you, but I don’t have a cat. It seems silly to do things a certain way just because someone else has a cat. 😊 So it’s time to dig deeper and ask the whys. 

So rather than all the details…what is my why? What is their why? Do they line up? Do I have the freedom or flexibility to have my own expression of the why? 

Then pray for direction like there is no tomorrow!!