New Year’s Resolutions

Awhile back someone made an offhanded comment about how Opera has her sheets washed every day. That is rather extreme for us common people, but it got me thinking. When I discussed it with my mom, she asked how often I washed my sheets. My reply, “Whenever I feel like it.” I wasn’t saying it disrespectfully, just honestly. Crisp clean sheets weren’t a priority. (I realize my neat friends are freaking out … but hang with me.)

Something about that conversation stuck with me. The next Saturday afternoon I went to the store and picked up a new set of t-shirt sheets. If I was going to do this, I wanted to do it right. I washed the new linens and swapped out the old ones. Eight or nine weeks later, I am still washing my sheets every weekend. (One exception – I went out of town for a week – so technically that doesn’t count.) 

A few years ago I was challenged to read the entire Bible. Not a new concept for me, but one I had begun over and over and never completed. Four years ago November, I started reading through the Bible. Often times listening while I was working on a project, rather than playing music. I completed my one year Bible plan in less than a year. 

I’ve realized every time I’ve made a lasting change it started on an ordinary day. During the Christmas/New Year’s season, little of life is normal. Starting a new normal amidst the chaos is really hard for me to keep up. 

Whenever I get a crazy new idea, like starting a workout plan, I make a point to start ASAP. Because if I wait for tomorrow, by the time tomorrow comes, it’s today, so tomorrow never REALLY comes. I’ve learned it’s best to start now. My biggest regrets are the things I never got around to doing. 

So my continual New Year’s Resolution is to start now. (Hence, this blog in October 🙃)


Five plus years ago, I graduated college with that fancy little, very expensive piece of paper. For all intensive purposes I thought I was done with school. Though hardly ready, I stepped out into the real world, eventually acquiring a real job and began adulting as best I knew how. 

Yet, today I find myself once again sitting in class, a college student (a non-trad college student...if that's still the term). American Sign language is one of those things I've wanted to learn for forever but never made the time. As I compiled my list, I decided it was time. 

What are you doing now that would surprise your younger self? Or what can you start now that will be significant when you rewind later?

Rewind to college days. 📸 Taylor