A Letter to my Future Husband

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In this journal I have letters to my future husband with the hope of giving it to him one day. Interesting how you can have such a heart for someone you have never met. 

Dear BB,

Periodically a situation arises that catches my attention and causes me to think about you. I start to wonder if that will be us someday, or how sweet it would be if that attribute or character trait is true of you. I usually say a little prayer, smile, and move on. 

A few weeks ago I was challenged by Proverbs 18:22 

A man’s greatest treasure is his wife— she is a gift from the Lord. (CEV)

He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the LORD. (NIV)

I pray for you often but how much more I need to be asking God to mold me. I want to be living my life such that I am truly a gift for you one day. A beautiful gift, as our Good God intended, wrapped in the Fruit of the Spirit. No crinkles or tears and untainted by the sin of the world. A wife you will be proud to call yours.

That feat is only remotely possible by God's sovereign grace, so now I pray that He would continue to carve me into His image and help me to cooperate.

Excited to love you.