This post was written almost exactly two years ago. But you probably never saw it. Why? It was hanging out in drafts. Though I found it interesting, it was about boys. So, you guessed it, I never shared it. Enjoy a little HIStory through my thoughts.
A few weeks ago a dear friend recommended the book None Like Him. I downloaded the audio and have been listening to portions on my drive to work. This leaves lots of room for reflection (or ignoring) in between those 20-minute blips of content. This morning, however, I only got about three minutes in before I had to pause. My mind was chasing a runaway train in one direction while the author (oblivious to my thought train) was continuing on without me.
For as long as I can remember, I've had this lingering desire tucked away in the back of my mind - I want to be a helper to a godly man. Yet each time I've asked the Lord if that could be now (or soon, I'm good with soon) the sweet reply comes back, "Not yet, Dear One. I have other things planned for you now." Usually, that suffices and the desire is returned to the back of my mind. Then within a few days something comes up and I often see how unprepared I am for a relationship - God is looking out for me, as always. Sometimes, I've let the thought hangout a little longer. There is a reason the Bible tells us to take our thoughts captive. I wouldn't call myself boy-crazy but rather very attentive. A split second after a man enters the room, his character/personality assessment has been initiated and maybe even completed. Not that I know his full life story, but you can bet I've gleaned the story he is telling that day. Talk about distracting!
Chapter 5 highlights our eternal God's version of time. "He is never early nor late..." And as Ecclesiastes 3 explains, God is orchestrating everything to have its own season.
If you haven’t read/listened to None Like Him, I highly recommend it. I recently started going through it again. Insightful and eye-opening content and God uses my runaway thought trains too, so win-win.