“Wait on Me”

Interesting how often God uses multiple mediums to convey and then reaffirm the same message. I was talking to God about my husband the other day, being very frank and asking some bold questions (and maybe whining just a smidge.) 

God’s response, “Wait on Me.” 

Ok, … Ok, I think I can do that. Thank you for answering so clearly. A few minutes later, “But Lord, I’m having a hard time waiting.” 

I was immediately taken back to a sermon, “What you feed – grows.” Ah, so true. If I’m watching Hallmark in my downtime, the desire to be in a relationship will grow. (It only takes a few days to fall in love in the movies.) If I’m spending that same downtime praying for my people, my heart will grow in love for them.

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Last night God said, “Wait on Me.”  What sermon do I hear today while getting ready? Hasty Faith (I highly recommend this sermon series by Transformation Church. God has used it to speak so much truth into my life. I’m only about halfway through it but God’s timing is so perfect, no matter how far “behind” I am.)

Hasty Faith: talks about waiting on God and not moving too quickly. (fancy that) Some of my notes are below.

Saul gave the sacrifice before Samuel came. How many things have you done before God came?

(He is speaking my language)

If you move before it’s time to move, like a runner on the starting block, they are disqualified. You are going to run, but wait for the signal lest you be disqualified. (You are going to get married, but wait on God.)

Point 1) Hasty Faith can cost you forever. 

If satan can’t get in front of you to stop you, sometimes he goes behind you to push you. “Ya, ya do that.”

A few minutes of impatience cost Saul his entire legacy. 

It’s not time yet. No idea how long God wants me to wait. No idea what it’s going to look like on the other side. But I do know the gravity of moving too early. 

So we are waiting ON Him. Not waiting with Him, like sitting in a waiting room together – but waiting on Him, trusting, leaning, and resting on Him.