Boomerang Advice

Boomerang Advice
– when your own advice becomes exactly what you need to hear. In helping someone else, you remind yourself of truth hidden away in the recesses of your mind.

There’s something about fall, responsibilities slows down and I begin to reevaluate. What am I doing and what SHOULD I be doing with my life? What am I putting on hold or giving up for something else? I begin to question everything- my job, where I live, my life goals and dreams, my friendships, and the amount of Jesus in my life.

Reevaluation also seems to come at a time when my relationship with God is drifting. Maybe it’s God’s way of helping me to reset. In giving someone else encouragement, I was reminded how much I need God. Yet so often I revert back to doing life on my own, in my own strength. I start wandering, seeking fulfillment in other things, when all along He is patiently waiting, calling me back to himself. Then after I exhaust my other options, I come running back to Him. Why, in the world do I wait so long? It’s time to take my own advice – as weird as that sounds. 😊

Success? part 2

A few days later, I was contemplating my business venture. God brought back that aha moment, but this time it was pointed at me. It’s funny how easy it is to give advice to someone else and how hard it is to apply it yourself. I had been stressing about all the things I don’t know how to do. What if I fail? What if someone sues me? What if my business crashes in a month? What if I lose everything? 🎶 But what if what if doesn't matter? 🎶

God didn’t ask me to be successful. He asked me to start. I wasn’t asked to launch a multimillion-dollar company. I was asked to use the resources that He has given me. God didn’t promise the business would thrive and grow. But He is pleased with those who are faithful to obey Him. God is using this season for His glory, though it may not line up with my plans. So I’m learning to embrace the process and enjoy the journey, however far this road might lead. 


I was chatting with a friend the other day...she was being challenged to do something, but was hesitant to jump in, unsure of the best approach to set herself up for success. It's one of those - put yourself out there and hope they pick you - kind of situations. Part way through the discussion, I had a light bulb moment. You know, the ones where a thought pops into your head that's clearly not yours. What if God wasn't asking her to get the spot, rather He was asking her to go through the process. Often I get so focused on the destination that I forget the importance of what God is doing through the journey. By the end of the conversation, I felt good about the insight God had given me to share.  

To be continued: