For such a large company, I love that Amazon is still currently personal. A package just arrived at the door, with a knock and an announcement, “Amazon.” The driver cautiously left the drive as the neighbor children were playing in the street. I couldn’t help but wonder if he had little ones running around his house as well. Heaven forbid someone ring the doorbell around naptime. Some drivers knock, some ring the bell, some wait to hand it to you, and some silently leave it at the door. With each delivery they are telling a little piece of their story.
Hand-delivered’s best friend had a package stolen from the front porch.
Runner has a hot date tonight but was given a few more deliveries than normal today.
Doorbell comes from a large household and that is the only way you’ll be heard.
Stealthy is an introvert, the best day is when all the packages are delivered without talking to a soul.
But considering I’ll probably only ever meet Hand-delivered, I’ll never really know. Nevertheless, I still enjoy the personal snippet of a rather non-personal shopping experience.